
What's My Body Shape?

People come in all shapes and sizes, and this sometimes makes the 'one size fits all' approach rather difficult - particularly when choosing which clothes to buy, and which exercise and dietary regimes to follow. After all, what suits your friend may not suit you, and rather than trying to shoe-horn yourself into something that's not right for you - you can use a little knowledge about the different body shapes to your benefit!
There are basically three main body shapes recognised by the health and medical profession.
These people have slim bodies and long lean limbs, with shoulders and hips of a similar width. They find it very difficult to build muscles, and have a hard time maintaining their weight. This body type is also rather more prone to injuries than other types, so they should look to stretch properly before and after exercise to avoid pulls and sprains. Good types of exercise include cycling, martial arts and fast walking or jogging - this type has good explosive energy and speed. In terms of clothes, this type can get away with most things - fitted looks are best to create curves and they can generally carry off more daring styles. Long slim legs can be shown off to great effect with short skirts or skinny jeans!
These types are the classic pear shape - the shape most seen in the UK. It's a round, soft and curvy body type with a relatively larger bone structure. This type can put on muscle, but they may find losing fat and weight in general somewhat harder. Women should focus on weight training though to build lean muscle and keep fat under control - as well as boosting metabolism. Cross training, weights, interval training and hill walking are ideal exercises. Good clothing choice include fitted tops and flowing and lower cut trousers and jeans. Aim to wear heels where you can to lengthen legs, and show off your neat top half and trim arms!
These types are classic rugby players! They have broad shoulders and large or medium frames. They loose weight quite easily, and gain muscle easily. Boot camp is ideal for their fitness! Weight training is also good, as well as yoga. These are strong types and tend to be strong. In terms of choosing fashions, your body shape is balanced, so show off your favourite part - whether it's your well defined calves, strong arms or excellent muscle tone - don't be tempted to hide away under baggy or shapeless clothes.
The important thing about each type is recognising that you can't necessarily change to a different type, but you can look fantastic regardless of your basic body make up! Keep fit and exercise to look and feel your best, and stick to a healthy diet to keep fat and weight at healthy levels. Similarly with clothing, look at friends and people with similar shapes that wear fashions and styles that you admire, and ask them for tips and guidance! Whatever you do, don't attempt to copy the fashions of your skinny ectomorph friend if you're a broad mesomorph.. but just remember that she will probably by envying your well developed chest, despite her long thin legs!

Body Shape Questionnaire to Find Out Your Body Shape

The Body Shape questionnaire will help you to identify which one of the female Body Shapes you are. Personally, I count four Body Shapes as oppose to others who often account for several. I think this makes it a bit more confusing to identify your shape. Consequently, I opt to describe four as each individual is usually able to recognize as on of these Body Shapes.
So what are these Four?
The four Shapes I account for are the Apple, the Hourglass, the Ruler and the Pear. Each being different to each other. For Example the Pear is characterized by a woman who has a prominent Lower region such as her waist, gluteus and in particular her hips which tend to hold the most weight. A slender Upper area -such as thin arms and small shoulders- frequently lay on top of this.
An Hourglass Shape is recognized by a full feminine shape with curvy hips and distinct shoulders. This is a typical Scarlet Johansson figure which is regarded as one of the most desirable Shapes to have.
The Apple is someone who has a large midsection and chest which can be cause for concern due to the health implications this type can have if too much weight is put.
The Ruler as the name would indicate is an individual with a straight, curve-less, plank-shaped figure as found with the use of the Body Shape Calculator.
A common trait among all four female Bodies is that when weight is put on it nearly always resides around the prominent regions of the Body. For example, when a woman with a Pear Body puts on 20 or 30 pounds is nearly always goes the lower body such as the hips and gluteus and usually stays of the arms, shoulders and even mid section.
Obviously, all 4 Shapes have their problematic areas and as a result this emphasizes the importance of maintaining a constant form of exercise and a good wholesome and nutritious body shape diet year round. This doesn't mean that you have to go on 5 mile runs every day and eat celery stick 24/7 but just go on a 45 minute power walk or jog 4-5 times per week and just eat smaller portions.

How to Dress For Your Body Shape

So what's a girl to do? Simple... Follow our easy step-by-step guide to choosing the right styles of what to wear and what to avoid and you can look fabulous too. Choose from the following five body shapes that is the closest match to you.
If you have an apple shape
Women are said to be apple-shaped when they are larger around the tummy than average. Finding the right clothing can prove difficult because of this. Never wear baggy clothing in the hope of hiding your waistline as this will only make matters worse. Also avoid tight fitting clothing as these will also draw attention to your stomach.
Choose styles that draw the eye away from your stomach and styles and colours that have a slimming effect such as vertical patterns and black. Tailored clothing works well as do detailed tops and dresses. Finish of with some heels or wedges (to add height and lengthen your body) and some jewellery that attracts the eye.
If you have a pear shape
Women that are said to be pear-shaped are larger around the bottom half of their body then the top half. Which can mean finding flattering clothing somewhat difficult. Stay away from tighly fitting clothing and opt for flowing lines, layers and pleats.  Choose styles that draw the eye away from your lower half by adding detailing to your top half.
If you have a pear shape
Hourglass-shaped women have larger breasts and hips relative to their waist and whilst considered by the most amount of people to be the most attractive of body shapes, care must be taken to look your best.
Stay away from bright or bold prints and full length tops and jackets that will make you look fuller then you actually are. Instead concentrate on showing off your smaller stomach with detailing around this area with fitted jackets, skirts and maybe add a belt for maximum visual effect.
If you have an inverted pear shape
Women that are said to have an inverted pear-shape when they are larger around the top half of their body than the bottom half. Try drawing the eye away from your bust by keeping the top plain and go more detailed on your lower half. A simple black top and some on-trend bleached jeans would work nicely.
Steer clear of shapeless floaty dresses and go for dresses that are fluted or flared and skirts give shape and definition to your bottom.
If you have a column shape
It doesn't matter whether your 5 foot or 6 foot tall, column-shaped women are slender and proportioned to wear most styles. You may think that long straight clothing looks best but unless you have a flawless figure a shorter style will flatter you more.
If you're this column-shaped but you are a bit wider then you'd like then choose clothing that will enlongate your figure and avoid overly boxy styles and go for drapes instead.

Fashion Sense - Dressing For Your Body Shape

The fact is that all women are different. There are no Cookie Cutter body shapes. The best look is one that makes sense, and that's what women are demanding. It's finally arrived, courtesy of the new wave of designers. There's no more "fashionable at gunpoint" compulsory styles any more. Women's clothing and women's fashion have broken through the barriers and totally blown away the cobwebs about personal style.
Living with your wardrobe
Your wardrobe isn't just something you wear. It's a reflection of your personality. Your wardrobe is a collection of things you like, things you want, and your ideas. It's a mobile lifestyle, and it's also your portable comfort zone.
This is where body shape and wardrobes work best together. The comfort, style and look are all good indicators of what works. The favorite jumper, the great dress, the good jeans, the big cozy jacket, the cute shorts and the little black dress are the real indicators of what makes you feel good.
Styles, designs, and getting what you want
A good approach to style and design is to use the basic elements of design as guides. Fabrics, cuts, lines, and types are all useful guidelines, but the real choices are going to be based on things that work with your wardrobe. Every now and then a new design is added, but you've actually got a lot of control over how you approach styles.
For example: A good winter outfit, comprised of a skirt, top and jacket will be based on your preferred materials, cut and working with the wardrobe favourites. You may prefer a knit skirt to go with the jacket, or a colour to work with the top, or both. You naturally integrate your wardrobe. This not only good for the wallet, it's also good fashion sense.
The right look is the one that makes you feel fabulous
The fact is that what makes a body shape look good is the comfort zone element. It's no coincidence that the clothes that make you feel good also look good. This is your relationship with your clothes and style, and it makes all the difference. The right look is working for you all the way, both by looks and by design. Trust your instincts and taste, because it knows exactly what it wants.
Your call, your options
There are about four billion different female body shapes on Earth. Every single one of them has its own ideas about what it likes. Top modern fashion retailers try to create a good spread of styles and run so many different labels specifically because the real demand in fashion is for personal preferences.
If you've been watching online fashion outlets, you'll see that the new designers are paying attention to this demand, too. Top labels like Ladakh, Cooper St, Shilla clothing, Living Doll, Sass, Anise, and Fate are good examples of the real fashion market at work. When you buy your beautiful new clothes, you're the one making the real fashion statements.

The Six Body Shapes: How To Dress To Look Good In Them

Carolyn Kenmore, a supermodel from the 1970s, was famous for saying, 'You have to have the kind of body that doesn't need a girdle in order to get to pose in one.' Unfortunately that doesn't apply to most of us and while we long for the 'perfect' shape - long legs, a small waist, firm bust, flat tummy, how many of us actually measure up to what the magazines tell us we should look like?
Exercise can do a great deal, but however hard you try you can't suddenly grow six inches; you can't lengthen your legs or shorten your arms--at least without undergoing serious and often dangerous surgery, and that's never recommended! What you can do is make the most of what you've got. We are all different, but without going into too much detail here are some quick guidelines for the standard female shapes.
  • LONG-WAISTED, SHORTER LEGS. Short jackets are the thing here. Try belts the same colour as your skirt or trousers, because they help to add length to the lower half of the body. If your legs are on the short side don't wear your skirts very short or very long, as this will emphasise the lack of length. If you have a nice small waist make the most of it by wearing waisted outfits accompanied by a striking belt.
  • SHORT-WAISTED WITH LONG LEGS. Longer jackets are more flattering as they hide the fact that there is not much length in the waist. Short, straight skirts and trousers are flattering too, with a belt that is the same colour as your top, as this will add length to your torso. Trouser suits look great, as they show off your length of leg.
  • PEAR SHAPES. Buy a jacket that is loose fitting rather than fitted, as this will help balance your smaller top half. When you buy a suit, if you are a size bigger on the hips, try a waistcoat to help pad the jacket out, or wear a scarf to help keep the attention above the waist line. Steer clear of very wide skirts and trousers, and choose patterns that are vertical.
  • TRIANGULAR SHAPES. The shape of women has changed a lot over the last forty years, and we are seeing more tall, triangular shaped girls. Make the most of your slim hips and longer legs with straight skirts, either short or long. Pleated skirts look good too. Jackets should be tailored, but because you already have wide shoulders make sure shoulder pads are not too big. Dresses hang well on you, but avoid the belted type, as they will draw attention to your lack of waist.
  • LARGER WOMEN. Keep the clothes simple and choose good fabrics. Don't wear anything that is too tight. Skirts must not pull and buttons should not strain. Loose, flowing, plain coloured clothes are most flattering. Long, unstructured jackets or shirts, waistcoats and tunic tops look great. Choose good, striking accessories like a scarf or a brightly printed shawl draped over one shoulder. An eye catching necklace or brooch also looks very attractive.
  • SMALL WOMEN. Fitted jackets work well on small women, as do trouser suits if you are slim. Avoid very long skirts as these will emphasise your lack of height, and don't try to compensate with very high heels. Think tall and you'll look taller!

Different Types of Body Shapes and Proportions

Each person has his own personality and appearance and this is what makes an individual unique. Let us take a look at the different body shapes to report to a personal stylist. The female figure has four basic shapes including the banana, pear, apple, and hourglass. These shapes differ with the measurements of the bust, waist and hips which are also known as inflection points.
The banana shape pertains to women who have a waist line that is about nine inches smaller than the hips or bust. Women who have this shape type may have fat on the abdomen, buttocks, chest and face area. The apple shape, on the other hand, refers to broad shoulders and the bust area, yet have narrow hips.
The pear body shape, on the other hand, describes those that have higher hip measurements than the bust. The proportion of body fat can be found on the waist and abdomen. The hourglass shape, is the most ideal body shape because women who have this type have the same hip and bust measurement. This means that the body fat proportion in the upper and lower body is just right.
It is very important to know which body shape a person has to enable the online personal stylist to select the best outfits to develop a sense of style. Knowing your body shape will assist in understanding what looks, styles and trends what look right on you. This will assist you for your future shopping experiences as well as your personal stylist.

Accessorizing According to Body Shape

First impression is the last impression, often heard about this proverb and of course this goes very true as your personality is judged by your physical appearance. Your looks are decided by the way of your accessorizing. The first thing which allures anyone is your dressing style, the way you present your self.
The perfect dressing style includes flattering clothes which suit your body shape, make you feel comfortable as well further beautify your looks. To get that eye captivating perfect look one should know his/her body shape and get dressed accordingly. The ideal female body is moderately tall with a body balanced vertically, an hourglass figure and an oval shaped face.
Unfortunately all ladies are not blessed with the idyllic body style but one can smartly create illusion of a perfect body by selecting dresses which create the appearance of perfect proportions. It's all about balancing your perceived shape to the "perfect" shape. Explore few of the basic body shapes and clothes flattering the same.
There are mainly five types of body shapes:
  • Pear
  • Rectangle
  • Hourglass
  • Lollipop
  • Apple
Pear Shape
This body type is with wider hips than the chest and shoulders. Lower part of body is heavier than the upper part and is one of the commonly found body structure. Choose tops with broad neck lines and big buttons, semi fitted clothes, wide-legged pants and deep dark colors. Flowing fabric straight or A-line skirts are best suited. Avoid tight or very loose fitted clothes, jackets or blazers with slits at back, Avoid high-waist, shapeless jeans and skirts
Rectangle Shape
This is the straight body same from top to bottom with very little feminine curves. The rectangle body looks straight up and down. Weight gain would deposit evenly throughout the body. Try falling necklines, blousy shirts, ruffles, lace, or neck tie, Shirts with pockets on the bust line, A line skirts, boot cut pants and avoid skinny jeans, belts and pleats.
Hourglass Shape
This is most desired body figure, with all curves in good proportion. Hourglass bodies have well defined waists with hips and shoulders that are well balanced.
Choose semi-fitted clothes with too many accessories or soft, delicately patterned fabrics. All type of lower outfits suits this body shape. Avoid tight or oversized styles, bold stripes and plaids
Lollipop Shape
This is again the perfectly maintained body almost all models and glamorous stars are lucky to have such well maintained body shape. Lollipop bodies are made for long and delicate evening gowns. Even the bell bottom trousers also suit the best to this kind of body shape.
Apple Shape
This body type is with heavier upper part as compared to lower part with broad shoulders. In general, the upper body is noticeably larger compared to the lower body. Go for long tops covering hips, tunic style tops skimming around waist, Boat necklines, turtlenecks and collared shirts, flare pants and wide-legged capris but avoid tops with puffy sleeves and short length, skimmed trousers, short and tight fit skirts.

Choosing Trendy Clothing That Suits Your Body Shape

Fashion has come a long way since its creation, you can find a perfect top, or dress in so many styles today that go great with any body type. The designs and prints in plus size clothing, now are looking more trendy then ever, years ago plus size apparel was outdated and only came in limited prints and styles. Careful selection of clothing and jewelry can help achieving your dream. Fashion industry today offers fabulous range of trendy clothing to make women look more attractive. You can find plenty of beautifully designed dresses in your next door store to suit your body shape. Fashion and women are said to be two sides of same coin. Women are blessed with inborn sense of fashion. Innovative designers in fashion industry have created wide range of trendy clothing for fashion conscious women. Fashion conscious women prefer having separate wardrobe for indoor and outdoor dresses. You may notice women in different attire for different indoor activities like cooking, gardening and playing. Thanks to growing fashion designing industry, markets are full with variety of trendy clothing for formal and casual wear. Professional wearing dress in black and grey colors is best choice of working women.
Every woman has been gifted with unique body shape which makes it important to carefully choose the dress that suits you best.
- Tight fitting dress helps emphasizing your body curves.
- V-shape neck gives you extra slimming effect.
- Ladies with pear shape figure (little bulky on hips and thigh region and thinner upper part) may prefer wearing dark color dress for their lower part with light tops to make them look slimmer and attractive. Wrap dresses may suit best to women with such a structure since it would help in hiding the fat on the lower part of the body. Women with pear-shape figure may also like wearing printed shirts/tops with straight skirts. V-necks are ideal for such women.
- There is enough trendy clothes choice available for slender looking women; sleeveless tops with floral prints will ideally suit them as summer-wear. Short coats and jackets may be their preference for winter-wear.
- Apple shaped women have heavy upper portion with bulky waist and bust lines. Careful selection of upper clothing (shirts, tops) is vital for these women. Trendy jackets can be ideal to make these women look slimmer.
- Short-sized women (petite figure) should select clothing that could make them look taller. V-necks and U-necks are best recommended dress type for such women. They should use light weight and flowing fabric for designing their dress. Short women must avoid using short-skirts.
- Ideally figured women are the hourglass shaped women. They need not worry about dress selection. All kinds of dresses will suit them.
We find different dressing sense prevailing in different parts of world which is mainly dominated by women's body shapes. For example, Chinese and Burmese women normally have petite body shape and that is the reason their dress choice is different than that prevailing in countries like US and UK.

Genetics and Metabolism: How Genes Dictate Body Shape and What Can Be Done About It

For some time, researchers have been aware that genetic factors predispose individuals to certain body weights and shapes, and it is now thought that genetics may account for up to 80 percent of an individual's body mass index. So can we effectively combat the genes that prevent us from reaching our weight-loss goal or achieving a perfectly contoured body? Recently, scientists began to identify some of the genes involved in metabolism, with the hope that this will help people identify which weight-loss strategy would be the most effective for them.
The reigning theory of the connection between metabolism and genetics is called the thrifty gene hypothesis. In essence, the hypothesis states that natural selection predisposed our ancestors to storing energy very efficiently. Since access to a stable food supply has been rare throughout history until more recently, people who could readily store fat in their bodies were more likely to survive than those who could not.
Published in BMC Medical Genetics of BioMed Central Ltd, a 2011 research study of obese Polynesians identified a variant of the PPARGC1A gene as a likely "thrifty gene." Subsequently, researchers assume that ancient Polynesians on the Pacific Islands faced a greater risk of starvation, hence triggering the natural selection of the fat-storing variant of PPARGC1A.
Similarly, the FTO gene has been subjected to detailed scrutiny. A European study comparing teenagers on identical diets and exercise regimens found that participants with a specific variant, or allele, in the FTO gene possessed approximately six to seven pounds of additional body fat compared to the subjects without the allele. In total, some 50 gene variants have been associated with weight gain, some working systemically and others making us prone to gaining weight in specific areas of the body.
Can this knowledge help us lose weight? The answer depends on who you ask. A few companies have started offering genetic testing as part of their weight-loss program, with the claim that a greater understanding of the activity of genes can help to provide a unique diet regimen per client. For instance, one of these companies might advise people to choose a low-carbohydrate diet if they possess a gene that has the propensity to turn carbohydrates into fat.
Scientists generally have been skeptical about such genetic diet programs. Although gene combinations may slightly skew metabolism, the most effective diet strategy is, and always has been, to have people consume fewer calories than they burn.
The future may hold clear-cut genetic solutions to obesity, but for now, scientific understanding of genes does not provide any alternative for people trying to shed pounds. Yet, if genetics keep a person from eliminating excess fat or if an area of the body is not responding to weight loss, the best option may be minimally-invasive cosmetic surgery.

Selecting The Best Lingerie For Your Body Shape

Women of all shapes and sizes yearn for the lingerie that they buy to make them feel good about themselves. Sexy, desirable, special, sensual are a few of the words that come to mind when choosing that perfect piece of lingerie. You want to be noticed and turn your special someone's eyes towards you when you are wearing your sexy lingerie.
Lingerie is fast becoming a staple of the modern woman's wardrobe today. The world of online shopping has made sexy, exotic and comfortable lingerie very accessible to today's modern woman. Remember these simple suggestions when looking online for that special outfit.
Choosing the right lingerie for your body type can be considered an art form. All women, beautiful in many different ways, sometimes need a little push to find that one piece of lingerie that brings out the dazzle with you. While every woman wants to be fashionable, comfort is also a very important part of the lingerie experience.
Choosing Sexy Lingerie
Red, white and black are among the many colors available today. Pastels are a very good color for blondes, while brunettes need darker colors such as sapphire blue or emerald green. Greens, blues, and earth tones are preferred colors for the fiesty redhead. A few of the materials available are: lace, silk, leather, satin and velvet. Know that the sheer material is always going to be more revealing.
Your Body Type and the Lingerie That Fits It
Being comfortable with your body will help you to feel at ease with yourself. To make yourself more desirable and appealing, emphasize the correct body parts. This does not mean you need to show more skin. Simply enhance your positive features and disguise the negative features. For the woman with a straight body, meaning the bust, waist and hips are almost the same, choose a style that drapes across your figure. Steer away from tight fitting lingerie. Looking beautiful and feeling comfortable go hand in hand.
Try the following tips for choosing the best lingerie for your body:
1. Your lingerie should be in great condition, not torn up or worn out and should always be the right size.
2. Wearing thong underwear under tighter fitting pants and skirts will minimize panty lines.
3. Black nylons slim long legs and make them look sexy.
4. Legs will appear heavier with lighter colors.
5. Bulges can be hidden with one-piece body suits and will have a slimming effect.
6. Most important, wear a bra that fits correctly.
What Not to Wear
Treat your self to beautiful lingerie. To extend the use of your lingerie, take proper care of it. This will also keep you feeling comfortable as well. Though unseen, lingerie has a huge effect on how we feel and the way our clothes look and fit. We feel beautiful when we look good on the inside as well as the outside.

Plus Size Women - Know Your Body Shape to Look Your Best

Plus size women come in seven different body shapes, and knowing which one is yours is the secret to determining which type of clothing will make you look spectacular.
If you don't know your specific body type, then you could end up looking great in one outfit and frumpy in another. Yikes! Don't let that happen or friends might feel compelled to stage a fashion intervention!
Here is the essential information you must know prior to buying any oversized clothing for yourself.
The Full Hourglass
A plus size woman with this figure has a small waist with ample breasts, thighs, hips and bottom.
The Neat Hourglass
A modified version of the full hourglass figure, many plus size ladies who have lost weight may fall into this category which is characterized by definition of the breasts and waist, in addition to less prominent hips and buttocks.
The Pear
Smaller on the top and bigger on the bottom defines this body type. The shoulders are narrower than the hips; however, there is still a defined waist.
The Apple
A common body type for full-bodied women, the apple shape is characterized by rounded shoulders, a full mid section, average to large bust area, a less-defined bottom, and rounded shoulders.
The Rectangle
Shoulders and ribcage are in alignment for this body configuration. Additionally, there is little definition of the waist, hips or buttocks.
The Lean Column
This can be described as a smaller, leaner version of the rectangle body shape, and the ability to wear the same top and bottom sizes.
The Inverted Triangle
This is defined by an upper body that is larger than the bottom, with shoulders that are straight and squared; and flat and smaller buttocks and hips.
So there you have it; seven body shapes/types for plus size women. Which one are you? To find out, examine yourself in a mirror, either in a plus size swimsuit or in your underwear. Examine which features you have. Another helpful hint is to have someone videotape or photograph you from all angles: front, back, and both sides.
Today the plus size apparel industry is flourishing as never before. Whether you seek plus size lingerie or clothing, there are some beautiful fashions made just for plus size women that are not only elegant, mood enhancing, and sexy, but are bound to drive your spouse out of his ever-loving mind!

Apple Body Shape? Sensational Tips For Getting A Little Black Dress To Make Jaws Hit The Floor

If you have an apple body shape then you have come to the right place. Listed here are guidelines for choosing a little black dress to suit your curves.. Apple bodies tend to be a bit heavy on the top and carry their weight around the middle without a really defined waistline.
The 16 plus size women struggle to get a good fit that is flattering to their form. When looking for shirts, slacks and that all-important little black dress there are a few things you have to consider. Being a plus size does not necessarily mean that you have to give up on dressing trendy or stylish.
It only means that you have to choose your wardrobe with a bit more care. Women's clothing for plus size gals has gotten a lot better in terms of style and shape. In order to shop for your body type you have to first familiarize yourself with that body. Do not be afraid to assess your body as it is for strengths and weaknesses.
1. You will need to accentuate what is positive about your figure. Women with apple shapes are usually heavy on top, this can work for you or against you depending on how you choose to play it. Making the right choice may have you stepping a bit outside of your fashion comfort zone. Although the color black is known to have a slimming effect, it must be coupled with a great cut.
2. The cut of the fabric and dress design will also play a huge role in how good or bad you look in that little black dress. Accentuate what you were given to work with at birth. Wear sleeveless shirts to show off beautiful arms combined with a daring neckline that plays up your ample bust.
It is important to note here that if you have large breast you cannot afford to skimp on bras.
3. Even if you have to save up for them get yourself several bras that fit well. This will help you feel sexier and also make your clothes fit better. Wear a body shaper to cinch the waist or clothes with cuts that allude to the waistline you do not posses. High waist pants will draw the eye over the tummy and up toward the neckline. Another attribute of the apple form is that the hips are usually slim and almost box like. To give the illusion of fuller hips wear a solid on top and a patterned fabric in your choice of skirt or pant. As far as you little black dress is concerned you can enhance the fit with a bit of tailoring and allow search for one with a hem that is larger than the waist.
4. The hem should also fall just below the knee to add the illusion of length. Here is one final tip for you and it is about the choice of shoe. In order to give you a head to toe observation and plus size style advice we would be remiss if we did not warn you about ankle straps. These are great on the tiny misses but if you are going for a look of lean and length you will do your little black dress a disservice by wearing an ankle strap. They cut up the line you are trying to create and make your legs look chunkier. Keep the line all the way to your toes by wearing a great looking pump.

Body Shape Tips to Improve Your Look

There are four main types of body shapes: Apple, Column, Hourglass and Pear. You may find that you could be a mix of two, but there will be one that you will predominately fit into. To help you identify what shape you have, check out each definition below.
1. The Apple Shape
Other names for this shape are an upside down triangle or a cone.
Apples have a rounded midsection (stomach area) with slim arms and legs.
You are able to develop a well-toned body quite easily through exercise. Your arms and legs tend to be shapelier than other body shapes and your backs are usually quite strong and defined. Your bottoms are also in proportion to your upper body.
In order to keep healthy, you HAVE to exercise, as you will tend to store excess weight around your stomach and chest, therefore straining your internal organs.
You can show off your slender arms and legs by applying some self-tan to them. Avoid drawing attention to your waist by wearing belts.
Famous Apples
* Elizabeth Hurley
* Liv Tyler
* Natalie Portman
* Reese Witherspoon
* Susan Sarandon
* Winona Ryder
Apples have a rounded midsection, they are athletic and toned, they have shapely arms and legs and they have nicely defined strong backs.
2. The Column Shape
Other names for this shape are a ruler, straight or banana.
Columns are tall and slim with very few curves and they have long graceful arms and legs.
Clothes hang best on you and your long slender limbs give you an agile look. You can also often get away with eating a lot and not putting on any weight, every woman's dream!
You may have a flat chest and you may often look boyish and gangly in the wrong clothes.
If you are tall, you should wear your hair long or in styles that are full of body to avoid a pinhead effect. You should also avoid stiffly tailored clothes, as this will highlight your lack of curves.
Famous Columns
* Hilary Swank
* Kiera Knightly
* Madonna
* Nicole Kidman
* Victoria Beckam
Columns have very few curves, they have long slim legs that make them look agile and graceful and they have the best body shape for modeling all types of clothing.
3. The Hourglass Shape
Another name for this shape is an 8 frame.
Hourglasses are curvy, and well proportioned. Their hips and breasts are shapely and they have well-defined waists.
You have a sexy voluptuous shape that is all in proportion. You have a defined waist, a full bust and a rounded bottom (hips, bum and thighs).
When you gain weight, it tends to go straight to your hips and bust, which causes a swamping of your small waist.
You should wear clothing that shows off your curves. Exposing a little cleavage and wearing clothes pinched at the waist will enhance your curvy silhouette.
You should never wear baggy clothing as this will hide your curves and make you look boxy.
Famous Hourglasses
* Catherine Zeta Jones
* Jennifer Aniston
* Jennifer Love Hewitt
* Halle Barry
* Kate Winslet
* Marilyn Manroe
Hourglasses are curvy, voluptuous, well proportioned with a good cleavage and a small-defined waist.
4. The Pear Shape
Other names for this shape are a spoon, bell or triangle.
A Pear's bottom body is rounded where as their top body (bust and shoulders) is small to average in size.
Your small top half looks great in strappy tops, you have sexy curves and you can easily disguise your rounded bottom half.
If you lose weight, it comes off your top and bottom body so you can never really change your overall body shape.
Draw attention to your top body and not the bottom, therefore wear tops that highlight your petite top body and wear necklaces and earrings to lift the attention off your bottom half. Do not wear clothes with details around your waist or hips, as this will just accentuate your bigger bottom half.
Famous Pears
* Beyonce Knowles
* Christina Aguilera
* Eva Mendes
* Jennifer Lopez
Pears have small upper bodies and rounded lower bodies, their curves are sexy and they are able to easily hide their excess weight.

Style Tips For Different Body Shapes

If you want to look good and express your personal style no matter what the occasion, you should know how to dress for your body shape Choosing the garments that enhance your form best will add a lot of dynamism to your appear. There are four body shape categories most women come into. Use these fashion tips that will work for your figure.
The apple. The upper torso is larger than the lower body, in people with the apple body shape. When women with apple bodies increase heaviness, it shows additional about the waistline. Never fear - this means they can show off their fabulous legs! The idea is to pick clothes that will de-emphasize the waist and reduce the look of large shoulders. For apple shapes, wear v-neck style tops.  Wrap tops can also make your waist appear smaller.  To hide any extra weight, wear empire cut tops.
A person with a pear-shaped body is considered to have larger hips, thighs, and legs, but a small upper body. The key to dressing up is attracting the eye to your great upper body and detracting from the lower half. Please review and follow these style tips: choose tops that are textured with wide necklines to draw attention to the upper body; wear dark jeans with colorful tops to balance your appearance; choose skirts with an a-line to skim the hips.
Highlight your hourglass shape. If you have a body which is curvy above and below a more defined waist then you belong in the hourglass shape division. Ladies with hourglass shapes can moreover show off their curves or prefer garments that de-emphasize their hips. Try showing off your waist by wearing clothing that defines the area. Use a belted or wrap dress. You can also try wearing a dress with a cinched waist. Another way to show off your curves is with a tailored blouse, a fitted skirt, a high-waisted skirt, or even with shorts. Use monochromatic colors to balance an hourglass figure. If you want to elongate your figure try a v-neck top. Avoid adding extra bulk to your body shape by wearing dresses and tops made of thin, lightweight fabric.
The rectangular shape is the least defined of the figures. In this classification the hip measurements are similar to each other, and weight gain is evenly distributed. Layered looks will create more dimension to your figure. Choose jeans with a faded thigh area to create the illusion of curvier hips. Jewel encrusted jean bottoms tend to make behinds look larger. Take a look at dresses with prints and details.

Look Beautiful by Dressing to Your Body Shape!

Everyone falls into one of the body shapes, each of the body shapes can contain women of different heights, weights and sizes but the fundamental shape is the same throughout. This is important when it comes to dressing your body. Clothes which may suit one woman and make her look tall and slim may have the opposite effect on another woman. It is therefore essential you get to know your body shape and dress accordingly! This will enhance what you have got and hide your body hang ups giving you a confidence boost and ensuring you look fabulous every time you dress!
There are 4 standard body shapes and some others with slight variations on these standard shape classes if you want to delve further into the shapes. These are the apple, pear, hourglass, and rectangle, each is slightly different geometrically depending on the way the 'triangle' points.
The apple shape is a triangle pointing downwards. This means the woman has broader shoulders and bust area compared with narrow hips. Fat is distributed around the upper body.
The rectangle does not use triangles to define the shape; it aptly just uses a rectangle. It is easy to see if you are a rectangle shape using simple body measurements. If your waist measurement is less than 9 inches smaller than your hips of bust measurement you have a rectangular shape. Fat tends to be around the middle area.
The pear has a triangle pointing upwards, like the shape of the fruit. The hips are wider than the bust and body fat tends to be around the bottom, upper thighs and hips.
The hourglass figure consists of two triangles pointing each other. The hips and bust are of an equal size and meet with a narrow waist. This is known as a curvy figure and body fat tends to lie on the chest and hip/bottom areas.
There are types of clothing perfect for each shape, for example skinny jeans and pears tend not to mix, they flourish in bootcuts!
Now you have been able to work out your body shape you will be able to bear this in mind when planning your purchases in future and dress for your shape. This may seem boring and restrictive but dressing for you shape and going all "Gok" will make you look beautiful and increase your confidence knowing you can dress in the latest fashions and suit every single one of them.

Shopping For Your Body Shape

By nature, fashion is transient. From season to season, different styles, patterns, colour palettes and accessories become popular, and as quickly as they come they are soon gone and relegated to the back of our cupboards to await their comeback or to mature to 'vintage' status. But the thing about trends is that the style of the moment is unlikely to fit all body shapes. As women, our body types are as varied as our feelings. Which is why - regardless of what trend is popular - it's important for women to shop for their body shape. Shopping and dressing for your body shape is about making the most of your best assets and hiding the bits you don't love so much.
Clothes that fit you well and compliment your figure will never go out of fashion, so be a smart shopper and pick clothes based on your body shape. There are even websites that allow you to shop by body shape, with handpicked items for your shape. Which body shape are you? Use this guide to learn which styles and clothes suit you and shop accordingly. You'll feel body beautiful in no time!
Voluptuous bottom - Round bottoms are sexy, just think Beyonce. Sometimes it is more flattering to actually show it off with tighter fitting clothing and other times you need clever tailoring and hiding techniques to balance out your curves. There are ways of dressing a a voluptuous bottom to make you feel more confident with your curves. Draw the eye up by wearing tops that feature eye catching details, add a statement necklace and wear solid, slimming colours on your bottom.
Buying jeans can be particularly difficult for those with a larger derriere. Jeans with a bootleg or flare at the bottom will flatter and visually lengthen the leg and make your bottom appear smaller. JAG has a range of jean styles and cuts to accommodate your curves in sizes and shapes to flatter every body.and bottom. Avoid heavily embellished back pockets and look for styles in dark denim washes. If you have a short waist, go for a trouser style jean with a flat front and a mid to low rise waist to elongate your look.
Big hips - Certain styles are perfect to balance out your hips or make them vanish completely! Flattering shapes are A-line skirts, long line tailored jackets and flared pants.These will draw attention away from imbalanced curves.Think 'streamline' and avoid big belts, elastic waists, clingy fabrics, side pockets, bunches and ruffles that will only add to the width of your hips. Charlie Brown has a stunning range of styles that feature beautifully cut pieces to flatter in all the right places. Whether you're a Size 8 or an 18, create killer curves by balancing out your hips
A tummy - The key to dressing a tummy is to hide it! Most of us battle with some form of a muffin top and it's easy to emphasise other areas of your body and not your mid section with clever dressing. Don't wear skin-tight clothing that clings to your mid section. Rather, try floaty blouses and emphasise other areas of your body (such as your killer legs!). Use jewellery to draw attention to your upper body and face, and avoid stretchy fabrics in pants that won't "hold" your stomach. Look for dresses that feature contrast panel work over the stomach in a dark colour, or wrap dresses can also flatter those with a heavy mid-section.
No waist - Since the days of the corset, a narrow waist has helped women feel feminine. If you're waist-less, fear not, as there are a number of clothing styles that will help create the illusion of a waist. High waisted skirts and belts that cinch you in at the waist will help create definition of a waist.. Paired with a structured jacket highlighting your shoulders, you'll achieve the all-feminine hourglass figure.
Short legs - For the vertically challenged, high waisted pants and skirts will help create the illusion that your legs start higher than they do. Wear trouser hems to the ground to maximise leg extension, avoid cropped pants and use tone on tone colour to create length. Wearing a top that finishes just below your crutch fools the eyes into not knowing where the legs begin.Cropped jackets layered over tailored pants allow your legs to appear longer, then finish your outfit with a great set of heels to give you instant height.
Cankles - Cankles are a body hybrid that instils women with fear. The meeting of the calf and the ankle with no distinguishable separation can be mortifying, but there are ways to mask cankles. The most obvious solution is to wear boots. Knee-length boots will create a solid line from calf to toe and eliminate any trace of a cankle. Shorter skirts teamed with a nude coloured heel will visually lengthen the leg, or go for floor skimming pants to direct attention away from the area.
Long body - If you've got a long torso and limbs, chances are you'll be slim and slightly angular. Clothes that flow and are even oversized will add curves and fullness to your figure. Look for dresses with some shape in them before you put them on, tailoring details like princess seams or piping, ruffles or pockets on the hips. Layering is also a great way to add volume and to create the illusion of curves. Metalicus specialises in stretchy "one size" fabrications that are perfect for layering.
Big arms - Affectionately referred to as tuckshop arms in Australia.... flatter big arms with flowing and full length sleeves. Look for tops with a V-neckline, avoid t-shirts and singlets,( they will just define how large your arms are), and instead go for 3/4 sleeves as these make your arms appear more elegant as the sleeve covers the top half but leaves the wrist exposed.If you are going for short sleeves, try cap sleeves instead of t-shirts as they don't hug your arms..
Petite - The most important dressing tip for petite figures is to buy clothes that are in proportion. Avoid long jackets or coats that swamp your figure. Enhance your body with fitted shapes and well cut garments. Show off your legs with shorter skirts and dresses, and buy pants and jeans in a short leg to ensure you don't lose the cut when they have to be taken up, The best thing about petite figures is that they can get away with many of the fun fashion trends that other body shapes cannot!
Deciding which body shape you are and dressing accordingly will leave you feeling confidant, stylish and comfortable with your body. Everyone fits into a body shape category, so determine yours and get shopping today!

Choosing Clothes to Suit Your Body Shape

I like to think of myself as totally fashion savvy and up to date with all the latest women's fashion and styles. So when I was asked to write an article on body shapes I did not think it would pose much of a problem. But when I thought about it, I realised that I did not know what my own body shape was. My mum and my sister were most definitely pear- shaped. I knew that because they were always going on about it.
"Our problem is we are pear shaped".
"Some of the latest women's trends don't suit us, because we're pear shaped"
"I've got nothing at the top,but my hips are massive, I am pear shaped"
I knew that I definitely was not a pear because they always told me how lucky I was. However they never actually said just what shape I was.
So I decided to go on a fact finding mission to find out exactly how many body shapes there are and indeed which one describes me best.
Apparently there are 12 body shapes for women. Apple, Hour Glass, Skittle, Vase, Cornet, Lollipop, Column, Bell, Goblet, Cello, Pear, Brick. I studied all the variations and still could not decide which I was, so I decided to ask my husband. Bearing in mind he has been in the bad books of late, I wasn't at all surprised when he picked the hour glass figure. I think he knew I would be flattered with the connotations of the perfect hour glass woman.
Anyway, what does this all mean? Well, once you have defined your body shape there are big clues about what women's styles and fashion we should and should not be wearing.
So firstly, what does it mean for the hourglass figure? What outfits and styles should we be wearing? Apparently we need to stick to tight cardigans with plunging neck lines and pencil skirts, finished off with a pair of high peep toe shoes. We have the curves and we should not be afraid to show them off. Although I do hope its still okay to have slob out days in our favourite comfy pyjamas and sheep skin slippers.
Interestingly the highest percentage of British women are indeed pear shaped. This means you are very slender and toned at the top, but carry most of your weight on your hips. You have no problem with big boobs and get away with delicate women styles such as strappy tops. You should buy trousers with a flat front and invest in some high straight boots for balancing out your calves.
Apple figures, try tailored wide leg denim trousers as an alternative to jeans. Cornet and Lollipop, pick shoes with delicate heels to highlight your beautiful slim legs. Skittles, remember that vertical patterns on the lower part of your outfit will slim your thighs and Vase girls emphasise those curves with curvy style shoes.
Column - chiffon materials soften your shape, Bell- pick coned heeled shoes, Goblet and Cello choose plunging V-necks to highlight your assets and Brick shapes should keep shoes and skirts feminine and rounded to create curves.

Style Secrets For Your Body Shape

Wouldn't it be great if every single person could wear every single style of dress and always look fantastic? Life would be much easier if this were true. However, women come in all different body shapes and sizes, so an important part of looking great wherever you go is learning which clothing styles look best on which body shapes. Let's take a look at the top ten body shape style secrets for making sure you look your absolute best every single day.
1. Skinny jeans and straight leg pants or leggings - If you have a classic hourglass body shape, these are a great choice for emphasizing your curves. Opt for snug-fitting hips and thighs with a mid-rise on the waist, and a straight line down from your hips to your feet.
2. A-line skirts - For women with an apple-shaped body, the best approach is to create better balance from top to bottom. Choose an A-line skirt in a solid neutral colour with a flair that hits right at or slightly below the knee; this lovely trick will give you more of an hourglass shape.
3. The little black dress - Every woman needs a little black dress, but the material and the cut will differ depending on your body shape. Choose an A-line skirt for an apple-shaped body, but a pencil-shape skirt if you have an hourglass shape. If you are pear-shaped opt for a dress that's not too tight fitting but that also has a slight flair shape to the skirt.
4. Striped Bermuda-style shorts - With just a few tiny style variations, this style will suit everyone. If you are shorter than 5' 4" make sure the shorts are well above mid-calf in length, and always opt for vertical stripes and a loose (but not baggy) fit.
5. Shirts, blouses, and tops - If you are pear-shaped then your bustline is smaller than your hips, so choose tops that make your bust look larger and fuller. Start with a padded or push-up bra, then choose tops with a loose fit, interesting or exotic print, and embellishments above the waistline; all of these features will draw attention up and make your bustline look more balanced with the rest of your body.
6. Slim-fit blazer - This is a wardrobe staple for all body shapes, but the specific shape and style of blazer will differ depending on your body. Slim bodies with few curves look best in a blazer that's fitted and a length that's 5 or 6 inches below your belly button. This style would suit Pear Shapes too, but look for extra cut in the waist to emphasizes curves.
7. Black pants/white pants - These are also wardrobe staples for every body shape, as long as the fit is cut for your particular needs. Pear-shape requires a good (but not tight) fit in the hips and thighs, with a straight leg and boot-cut opening.
8. Stiletto heels - These are terrific for making your legs look long and slender, especially if you're a bit short, or if you're pear- or apple-shaped. Wear them with shorts or skirts for the best effect.
9. Empire waist shirts - These high-waisted styles look terrific on pear- and apple-shaped women because they draw attention to the bustline and create a better balance between top and bottom. Pair them with a push-up or padded bra and the effect is even more stunning.
10. Tank tops - The hourglass figure looks terrific in tank tops as well as in camisoles and old-fashioned tube tops. Look out for anything tapered in the waist and avoid baggy t-shirts; think long-length shirts with a built in drawstring waist or those that can be worn with a stylish belt on the outside to emphasize your narrow waist.

Dressing For Your Body Shape

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and cringed at the small breasts, narrow hips or large belly? Please remember no woman, including that fabulous lingerie model, has a faultless body. However, some women through clever clothing choices,manage to downplay their flaws and accentuate their strengths better than others. These women are able to pull it off mainly because they understand their body shapes.
The female body can be broadly categorized into five different shapes based on bust, waist and hip proportions. Body shape is independent of overall size. For example, though Debra Messing and Keira Knightley may look very different in size, they essentially have the same rectangle body shape.
If your bust and hips are almost the same size and your waist is undefined, you have a banana or rectangle body shape. Your waist measurement is less than nine inches smaller than your hips or bust measurement. Though there may be fuller versions of this body shape, you are more than likely to have a small or medium bust with proportionally slim legs and arms. While dressing, your main aim should be to add curves to your body by defining your shoulders and waist.
Feminine dresses and girly skirts will add the necessary curves to your body. Look for semi-fitted clothes that skim your body but do not cling to it. Anything too clingy will only accentuate the straightness of your frame. Wrap and draped dresses will give the illusion of a well defined waist. Invest in cute waist defining belts to wear over shirts, cardigans and coats. Pinched or pleated waists too can help in creating the right curves at your waist. Fashion details like halters, ruffles, laces and beads will give you that ultra feminine look.
Stay away from baggy tops and pants as they will only accentuate your absence of curves. Chose slightly flared flat fronted pants over narrow ones to soften your shape. Please never go bra less under a flimsy top even if you have small breasts as it looks extremely tacky. Unless you are uncharacteristically well endowed, stick to high and medium necklines.
Celebrities sharing your body shape include Debra Messing, Jada Pinkett Smith, Hilary Duff, Keira Knightley.
If your hip measurement is at least two inches more than your bust measurement and your waist is well defined, you have a pear or triangle body shape. You are likely to have proportionally narrow shoulders and a medium bust. You should try to balance your bottom half by adding volume to your upper body.
Use accessories and details to draw attention to your upper body. For example a wrap dress will emphasize your bust, accentuate your well defined waist yet hide your large hips and thighs. Big lapels, neck embellishment, small shoulder pads help broaden your upper body. Short-sleeved tops will keep the attention on your upper body. To avoid adding bulk to your hips, stick to straight and slightly flared skirts.
Wear low rise pants to prevent unsightly muffin tops. Coats with buttons on the top half and belted waists work great for the bottom heavy woman. Avoid clingy skirts and tapered pants as they highlight the hip. Wear vertical patterns and dark colors on the bottom to give the illusion of slender hips and thighs. Contrasting it with light colored top will further enhance the slimming effect. You may also wear prints on dark backgrounds to deviate attention from broad hips.
Stay away from any fashion detail that adds volume to your lower body like side pockets, front pleats and embroidery or seam details on back pockets. Empire waist dresses will hide your defined waist and accentuate your broad hips. On the other hand, a fitted top paired with a full, pleated knee-length skirt will not only highlight your waist but also conceal your wide hip. Avoid tapered pants that emphasize a wide middle area, try boot-cut pants and jeans to create a straight, lean line.
You may follow celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Shakira, and Rihanna for style tips for the pear shaped woman.
If your bust is three or more inches larger than the hips and your waist is well defined, you have a heart or inverted triangle body shape. It is often considered the second best female body shape. You probably have broad shoulders and proportionately slim legs. Your main goal should be to create the illusion of the perfect hourglass body shape by balancing your lower body to your upper body.
Since you are top heavy, first and foremost get a well fitting bra. Low and medium-low necklines will divert attention from your upper body. A fitted, single-breasted blazer that defines the waist but is roomy enough in the bust not to pull has an over-all slimming and shape defining effect.
Three quarter sleeve will help bring the focus down to the lower half your body. Wear dresses that emphasis your waist and A-line and tulip skirts and flared pants will add volume to your narrow hips and balance out your breasts.
Avoid ruffles, neck embellishment, big collars, thin spaghetti straps and delicate camisole tops. Chose dresses with strategic gathers under the breast to direct all eyes to your waist. Stay away from high waisted pants and skirts.
If you have an undefined waist and large stomach with the overall appearance of being round in your torso area, you are an apple shaped woman. There are actually two female body shapes that are referred to as the apple - the oval and the diamond. If you are an oval, you have a large lower stomach. On the other hand, a diamond shaped woman has a higher stomach. In either case, you must try to draw attention to our shoulders and face, to create a longer heart body shape.
Wear earrings, necklaces and other focal points designed to draw the eyes up towards your shoulders and face. Small shoulder pads will also help by broadening your shoulders. Dress in the monotone to create an uninterrupted slimmer and longer body line.
Avoid clingy fabrics and fitted clothes as they will only accentuate your roundness. Likewise, belts, tucked-in tops and front pleated pants will bring undue attention to your mid section.
Celebrities who have your body shape include Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Osbourne and Britney Spears.
If your bust and hip measurements are nearly equal and you have a narrow waist, you have an hourglass body shape. It is usually termed the perfect female body shape. Your hips and shoulders will be balanced and your waist will be visibly pinched in. Your fashion goal should be to highlight your fantastic body shape by flaunting your curves.
Wear fitted and semi-fitted clothes in soft, clingy and flowing fabrics. V and scooped necks will help accentuate your feminine curves. Jackets with a single button will emphasize your narrow waist. Pick dresses with defined waistlines. Chiffon dress with a corset will work great here. The tailored look always works for the hourglass frame. Wear straight and gently flared pants to avoid disturbing the balance.
Skirts and pants should be fastened on the side and flat-fronted, to avoid extra bulk. Stay away from tight, wide-cut pants, which can make the bottom look wider. Don't hide your curves under un-pinched tents and baggy clothes.

A Program In Getting Your Desired Body Shape

Many techniques are in use in order to get the required shape of the body that you have. Turbulence training is one of these programs, which is made for the users who are willing to get the desired shape of their body the way so many athletes and celebrities have.
Many other techniques are also used for this purpose but these are difficult as compared to the Turbulence Training and the results you get from the effort put into it. With the help of this program you will be able to find the natural and easy ways for changing the shape of your body. No sense in wasting your time on other techniques that do not yield the right type of results.
You will be directed to the website of this program where all the methods and guidelines are listed in order to control the mass of the body. All the methods shown are natural and they have no side effects that have been documented. As long as you do the things as directed, you should not have much if any trouble.
There are many satisfied users of this program who have used this program and gained the desired results in no time at all. There are many people who are willing to have their body weight reduced in order to have overall better health and hopefully live longer.
Some are willing to have a body with attractive appearance. Still others are willing to have a big body posture in order to look handsome. All these people and many others are able to get the desired body shapes with the help of this program.
All you have to do is to get the membership of this program through the internet and you will get the instant access to all the methods and techniques for obtaining the desired results. From there it is up to you to get the results you want.
All the methods shown in this program are devised after long researches and these methods are tested by many people with happy results. Countless people have already completed this workout, making the risk less and the chance for success if you try it great.
If you are willing to have the desired look of your body then this program is best for you as it will assist you in the achievement of your goal in a natural. This will be helpful for your body without any harmful effects.

Female Body Shapes Everyone Should Celebrate

Obesity is a major problem in the western societies and the number is growing. You become obese when your body mass index (a measurement of body fat) is of 30 or greater.
Obesity is costing many countries millions of dollars in hospital admissions because of its consequences. It leads to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and some form of cancers. This is because people have adopted new life style, bad eating habits and lack of time to prepare decent and well balanced diets.
This problem has been passed on to our young people. They enjoy eating the fast foods and high energy drinks that are heavily advertised by marketers.
You may think the answer is simple: eat less or do exercises. The usual means of weight loss programs people often try simply do not work.
Some researchers have advocated that when you lose weight, the fat cells shrink, thereby lessening the amount of leptin, an appetite suppressor that is poured into your blood stream. But yet when the level of leptin falls below the normal value your genes are programmed for, the brain triggers other hormones that increase hunger. This is what is known as rebound effect; you lose weight only to gain it all again, this time with more weight.
The best way to reverse this is to change the eating habits. But as they say," old habits die hard," many of them do not manage. It requires discipline, persistence, patience and motivation.
The good news is that there are well proven methods out there that are helping many people lose weight without much hassle. If you have been struggling to lose weight and shape your body the way you desire, read on and you will be amazed how easy it is.
Wearing the reshaping garments and drinking nutritional products
These are products that are scientifically proven to re-shape your body outside-in and reviving your body inside-out, producing the desired body image within a few minutes.
1 Reshaping garments
-Help to reduce fat in those areas fats like to deposit.
-Corrects your posture and shape the disfigured body.
-Flattens the irregularities and help prevent additional fat deposits into the body muscles.
-Stimulate muscular toning especially around the abdomen, making your abdomen firm in appearance.
-Able to reshape your waist up to 2 sizes.
-Helps you lose fats around the waist that does not go away with the usual exercise, gym and special diets.
These reshaping garments come in different forms, sizes and for different parts of the body for example, chest, abdomen, waist, and thighs-all aimed to reshape the irregular and disfigured body.
2. The nutrition products
These nutritional products are the most effective methods of losing the weight because they revive your body inside-out and also curb your appetite, restore the natural balance of your body and increase the body metabolism, leading to weight loss. They have been proven to reduce the body image size within few days.
The ingredients help the body to burn the accumulated fats easily and effectively. The good thing is that they help your body to eliminate the accumulated toxins within minutes.
Every day benefits
-They aid growth and development of the body cells.
-Boost your energy level all the time without getting tired.
-Some of the drinks are formulated with amino acid and herbs designed to promote weight loss wile you are sleeping.
-Rejuvenate your memory.
-Boost your sexual desire.

Plus Size Dresses - The 5 Female Body Shapes and Choosing Your Style

You are out shopping for plus size dresses. You spot one that is really cute but, you are not so sure it is the right look for you. Will my butt look big in this? You ask yourself. Should I wear a solid or patterned dress? The answers to these questions and more will come quick if you know what you're body shape is, and what styles flatter your shape.
If you do not know what your body shape is here is a comprehensive guide to distinguishing between the five female body shapes. Your shape depends on your dimensions all around. A Plus size woman and a thin woman can both be considered to have an apple figure.
1. The Apple Shape - An undefined waist and large stomach, basically round in your mid section. Within the apple shape are two categories, oval and diamond. An oval shaped woman has a larger lower stomach, while the diamond shaped woman's stomach is positioned high.
2. The Banana Shape - Your breasts and hips are about equal in size and you have an undefined waist. This is also considered to be a rectangle shape.
3. The Heart Shape - Your breasts are three or more inches larger than your hips and you have a heart shape. This is also considered to be a inverted triangle shape.
4. The Hourglass Shape - Your breast and hip measurements are about equal and your waist is narrow.
5. The Pair Shape - Your hips measure at least two inches more than your breasts and you have a well defined waist.
There you have 5 female female body shapes. You now have a guide for choosing your plus size dresses. Which is your shape? What's your style?

Body Shapes - How to Dress For Your Unique Body

Our body shapes are all unique. Fortunately, there are simple ways to determine what ensembles of wardrobe that is the most flattering to women's body shapes. The bottom line is to first determine your proportions, and then utilize our wardrobe ensembles to accentuate the best features--and hide everything else! It's what I'd refer to as "Enhance & Minimize".
Women body shapes are defined by how the curves connect the bust, waist, and hips.
With that in mind, the four basic body types are as follows:
  1. Apple body type are evident by a heavy top part of the body - 14% of women have this body shape. Generally the bust is three or more inches larger than hips. My advice is to emphasize the thighs, legs and butt in order to divert attention away from the waist and shoulders/arms. I recommend wearing long sleeves, and try to draw focus to the bust and neck by wearing, for example v-neck lines. Go with tops that "drape" over any love handles, like tunics and flowing tops with an empire waist (the waist begins just below the bust and flows outward). In the case of an endowed top (big breasts), go with dresses or tops that wrap around the waist and cross over the chest.
  2. Rectangular body type can be identified by a fall from the waist to the hips in a straight line that resembles more like a cylinder. About 46% of women have this shape. Tips: "pinch" the waist by wearing a belt to offer an illusion of a waistline existence or try to stick with ensembles that offer some kind of waistline feature that gives an illusion of curves to avoid looking lanky or boyish. Choose ruffles and frills to add silhouette or volume to give an impression of femininity to the figure. Avoid baggy jeans and track clothes that look boyish.
  3. Pear body type are determined by a heavy bottom with 20% of women having this shape. It is obvious that the hips are significantly larger than the bust for this body shape. The good news is there are ways to dress to create an illusion of a smaller hip and butt by drawing attention to the top part of the body such as a fuller blouse/top complimented by a properly fitted push-up bra.
  4. Hourglass body type considered the ideal shape and there are about 8% of women with this body shape. This body shape has a balanced size of hips and bust with a narrow waist. Since it's an ideal women's body shape, the options are more forgiving and should focus on flattering instead of flattening the beautiful curves.
Stay tuned for my more tips on how to dress to enhance your body shape.

Buying Swimwear - What Body Shape Are You?

As well as making sure you measure yourself before you buy new swimwear in order to get a perfect fit, it's also useful to know what body shape you are as this will help you in general when browsing different swimwear and beachwear styles and sizes. Put the two things together and you should find that you buy stylish swimwear or beachwear which is flattering for your particular body shape. This will help you look your best on the beach this Summer.
There are essentially six general body shapes to be aware of and it is likely that you will fit into one of these. They are 'Big Bust', 'Small Bust', 'Hour Glass', 'Long Torso', 'Pear', and 'Apple'. Lets take a look at these in more detail.
Big Bust
Women who have larger breasts essentially need swimwear which gives them good support and that also will give them a fantastic shape. Rather than trying to find general swimwear that you like and going for the largest size you can get, you might find it beneficial to look for swimwear that is specifically designed for women with a larger bust that are underwired or maybe are designed as a shelf bra. The extra support you get from a specifically designed bikini top will lead to a better fit.
Colour is really useful to take into account when choosing swimwear and you can use it to your advantage when buying mix and match bikini tops and bottoms. For example, if you go for a darker top than bottom, the difference in colour will give the illusion that your bust is slightly smaller than it actually is, which will lead to you looking more evenly proportioned on the beach.
Small Bust
The most flattering swimwear for the woman with smaller breasts is the halter neck and traditional triangle shape bikini tops. Adjustable straps on your bikini top will help to ensure that it fits properly and always make sure you get the correct cup size so that you can get the most lift that a small bust needs. You may also want to consider looking for a push up or padded bikini top to further enhance the size and shape of your breasts. As with the bigger busted styles, colour is also really important. For example, smaller breasted women should consider wearing bold bright colours on top and darker ones on bottom, as this gives the illusion that your top is bigger than your bottom and draws the eye up away from the bottom area. Also, consider patterns such as polka dots and horizontal stripes as this makes the bust look fuller.
Hour Glass
If you are lucky enough to have a small waist with hips and bust sizes that are equal but larger than your waist then you are said to have an hourglass figure. If this is you, then consider yourself lucky because you will find that almost all swimwear and beachwear styles will fit you nicely and will look great too. What you need to do is simple, show off what you've got. Don't cover things up with a tankini, go get yourself a nice new sexy bikini that accentuates your waistline and your bust. You already have hips and bust that are equal in size so don't spoil this by messing with different colours, always go for a matching bikini. If you are slim then you can accentuate your fantastic body shape even more by going for a tie side bikini.
Long Torso
One of the things you might struggle with if you have a long torso is finding a one piece swimsuit that fits properly. Consequently, it's usually best to go for a bikini or tankini so that you can ensure a nice fit. If you want to try and minimise the length of your torso, then look for bikini bottoms with a high cut as this will make your legs appear longer, bringing your torso into proportion. It therefore also makes sense that you should avoid boyleg bottoms as this will make your legs look even shorter and so make you look more out of proportion.
Pear Shape
Women that are said to have a pear shaped body, simply have hips that are wider than their bust and shoulders. As with all the other body shapes, we are striving to create the effect that your body is all in proportion and choosing wisely in the swimwear department will help you do this. So, go for high cut bikini bottoms as this will create the effect of longer legs. Also, make use of mix and match bikinis and go for a brighter coloured top and darker coloured bottom. As with the small breast category, this draws the eye up to the breast area and gives the illusion that your top is bigger than it is and your bottom is smaller than it is. All of these things come together to give the overall impression that your body is in perfect proportion. To help you could also consider using a padded bikini top and avoid wearing larger pants or boy shorts as this simply gives the game away as the more material in play means there is more flesh to cover up.
Apple Shape
Women who are apple shaped have slimmer arms and legs and have larger waistlines. Panic not though, as it is quite a simple task to find swimwear that flatters. It's all about showing off your best bits, namely your legs. So, show them off to their fullest potential by going for high cut or tie side bikinis which will make your legs appear even longer. Tankinis were sent from Heaven for apple shaped women as they cover the tummy area perfectly. Make sure it fits properly though. It should be long enough to actually meet the top of the pant because if you leave a gap, then guess where the eye will be drawn. What tankinis do so well though is to cover the tummy area while still allowing you to mix and match, so go for a patterned top to break up any lines. This will give the illusion of a smooth tummy. You could also consider going for a sculpted swimsuit which will squeeze you in just the right places for a fantastic look.

Body Shape Fashion Tips

Every woman wants to feel and look great. Some women want to look good for their husbands or boyfriends, some for strangers they don't even know and some want it for themselves. The reasons might be different but they can't achieve it without some right body shape fashion tips.
I think I can speak for most women and say that one of the most difficult things in our lives is to accept our bodies the way they are, especially when they are not perfect. And usually they're not. But when you can achieve that and find inner peace between you and your body, you'll stop stressing out about your size and start to concentrate on more important things in your life.
The first step to achieve that is to find out what body shape you are and then use mine great body shape fashion tips to disguise your flaws and show the best assets of your body. There are four common body shapes - pear, apple, hourglass and rectangle.
Probably the most common type is pear. Pears have their upper body smaller than lower and when they gain weight it usually goes to their hips and thighs. Because the lower body is larger than the upper one, it's important for pears to find a balance between the two. So if your body shape is pear you should wear fitted tops in bright and light colours with different prints and to make your hips and legs look slimmer you should wear A-line or flared skirts. If you prefer jeans you should wear wide leg or straight legged jeans in darker colours. Another great fashion tip from mine body shape fashion tips is that if you want to bring attention to your neck and face rather then to your hips, you should wear necklaces and earrings.
Apples have their upper body larger than lower and if they gain weight it usually goes to their waistline. So it's important to draw attention from your waist to your legs. So wear jeans that have a flat front and have back pockets that can give a little bit of curve to your flatter rear. You should stay away from jeans that are too tight as they will make you look even bigger on the top. If you prefer skirts, wear A-line skirts or short skirts that are 1 to 5 inches above the knee. The tops you shouldn't wear with those jeans and skirts are dark tops with too many patterns. And because apples have larger breast don't forget that very important is the right bra.
If you're lucky enough to have an hourglass figure, you've found a balance that most of us, especially pears, are looking for. Because your shoulders and curvy hips are equal in size, you don't have to be afraid of patterns and you should go for tops with V-neck and wear some stretch denim jeans with larger hips and smaller waist. As for skirts you should wear 3/4 length or full length skirts. Probably the most valuable of all body shape fashion tips for women with an hourglass figure is don't hide your body by wearing some baggy clothes.
If you have a rectangle figure you definitely have great legs and you should show them by wearing jeans with a low - rise and with back pockets that will make your bottom look fuller. Or you can wear pencil, A-lined or flared skirts. Because your figure is straight up and down you shouldn't wear vertical patterns as they will make you look even thinner, but rather wear scoop neck or V-neck tops that will make you look curvier.
We are all different in the way we look but we have one thing in common, we always find something we don't like about our bodies. So make the first step to change and find out what your body shape is and use mine body shape fashion tips as they can help you to take the focus of your problem areas and emphasize what is positive on your body. They can even save your time when shopping, as quite often we buy clothes that are unflattering for our figure because they don't have the right cut, colour or print. And there's another aspect where mine body shape fashion tips can be very useful. They can help you to become more confident, because the way you feel determines the way you look. So feel confident and it definitely will show.

Perfect Swimwear for Athletic Body Shapes

You might be forgiven for thinking that if you have an athletic body shape that it would be fairly easy to shop for swimwear and beachwear, as lets face it, the chances are that when you are shopping for clothes, you don't particularly have a problem finding things that fit. This is usually fine for your outer garments, the ones that are on show, because, in general, they aren't necessarily meant to show your body shape off.
Swimwear and beachwear is different. It is almost akin to going out shopping in your underwear. Everyone you come across gets to see exactly how each garment fits. If it pinches in a certain place, or hangs loose in a certain place then it is there for everyone to see. It is exactly the same on the beach. As you walk past, people can see if you bra is a little too big or your pants are a little too tight on the hip.
One of the first tips to ensure you look your best is to not impulse buy your bikini. This is true for everyone, but for those women with an athletic body shape, or a body shape bordering on boyish, it is especially true. The thing you need to do is figure out first of all what will look the best on your body. Plan your purchase and go shopping with certain styles, colours, and shapes in mind. Colours, patterns, and shapes can have a huge effect on how you look as different patterns and colours can accentuate your weak points rather than your best bits if you're not careful.
You still have an advantage over some others though if you have an athletic figure as there are several options available to you when you go shopping for your new bikini. The main thing you have as an advantage is that being athletic in the first place you will look good in a bikini and you are hopefully not wanting to cover your body up. This is great because it means that you can mix and match that two piece outfit in order to camouflage your proportions.
So, the woman with the athletic body tends to have a smaller bust, but her legs and bottom are probably nicely in proportion as the muscles there are probably nicely developed and toned. If you go for a bikini with the same colours on the top and bottom, then you will, unfortunately, look a little out of proportion, with your top looking smaller than your bottom.
To fix this, you need to use bold colours and patterns on your top half while toning it down slightly on the bottom half. This has the effect of drawing the eye of the onlooker up away from your bottom and creates the illusion that you bust is larger than it is. You can also get a similar effect with a ruched top or a top with some frills etc. Anything, to draw the attention of the onlooker upwards will be to your advantage.
By the way, there is one thing that is certain here - a traditional, triangle bikini will look fabulous on you. Just ensure you get the colours and patterns right.
I said there were multiple options, and of course, there are. The next thing you could consider if you are lacking a few curves up top is to create them. You could simply go for a push up or padded gel bra bikini to add some volume to your bust, but you can also try little tricks like going for little highlights on your bikini such as bows and belts etc. If you don't have many curves around your bottom area, you can enhance what you do have by going for a bottom that is gathered on the side.
Don't forget that what I said about colour above works in reverse too. So, if you want to accentuate your bottom, go for bold colours and patterns to enhance your curves.

Jeans For Your Body Shape

Finding the right jeans can sometimes be a loathing experience especially if you tend to be on the heavier side. Knowing how to dress for your body shape can do wonders for your wardrobe and turn your shopping experience into a swift, joyful activity instead of the self-deprecating commotion it can be. There are four main body shapes, apple, pear, rectangle, and hourglass. Each shape comes with its own characteristics and guide rules of Do's and Don'ts. Though the hourglass figure is the most coveted shape, each one comes with its bag of blessings and struggles. Being honest with yourself when defining your shape will only help you learn more about your body type and fashion tips that will cater to your shape.
Jeans For Apple Shape
Your upper body is larger in proportion then your lower body. You have wide shoulders and generally med to big busted. Your bum tends to be on a flatter side, but your legs are finely shaped. When you gain weight it tends to go to your mid section. Wide legged pants or jeans will make you appear longer and leaner. Lighter color jeans will add form to your thighs and legs. You want to stay simple so stay away from patterns. Boot and flare cut are good also. Wearing heels ( if you know how to walk in them) will add height and balance to your body. Embroidery on pockets or, big back pockets can add thickness if you have a flatter back end. Stay away from really long pockets on back, this only makes the bum look flatter. You want your bottoms to be lighter in color then your top to add a balanced silhouette.
Jeans For Pear Shape
You tend to gain more weight in your lower half and your upper body is noticeably smaller then lower. You have narrow shoulders and back, usually small or medium bust paired with curvy things and calves. Make sure that your jeans are always a dark color. This doesn't mean marrying black, just make sure the bottom piece is darker then the top. Stay away from patterns, they draw attention and make the big and curvy look bigger and curvier. Stay away form cropped pants, and heavy embroidery on back pockets. High waisted pants tend make the junk in the trunk look bigger. Go for medium to low rise bottoms; this will make the hips appear slimmer. Flare or boot cut is best.
Jeans For Rectangle
While your waist might not be that defined you tend to have great arms and legs. The measurement of your hips and shoulders are balanced with a straight torso. Your bust is average and you tend to have a broad back. When you gain weigh it tends to go to you stomach and thighs. Straight and boot cut are a perfect fit for this shape. Because this shape typically comes with a flatter bum, try to look for pans or jeans with wider pockets, or with flaps to help define your bottom and make it look fuller. Wide legged jeans are very flattering and create more curves for this shape. Rectangles could also rock skinny jeans or pants, depending on your build.
Jeans For Hourglass Shape
Your upper and lower body is generally equal in measurements. You have a small waist that tapers in. You are very curvy and tend to be full busted. You have shapely legs with broad shoulders that are symmetrical to your hips. The hourglass figure can pretty much wear all styles of pants. Wide legged or flared jeans are a great choice for this shape. If you're on the trim side, skinny jeans work as well. You could also do high waisted pants, just keep in mind that they do make the bum appear bigger, so if that's the look you're going for, this cut will do it. High waisted pants can also help to hold in the "muffin-top." If you are on the heavier size, mid-rise jeans are best. Low-rise jeans are great as long as your torso is not longer then the bottom half. Play around with the options considering your age, weight and style.

Understanding Your Body Type and Body Shape for Effective Weight Loss and Fitness

We often wonder why some people lose weight real quick while we have a hard time. Sometimes we also struggle to understand just how and why some people don't have to do anything for a great physique, or just always look graceful no matter what they wear. Well, it's time to find out for yourself and discover what action you can take to get your body looking great for you.
The truth behind our differences in body was discovered by a psychologist, Dr William H Sheldon, during the 1940s. After years of study, he concluded that we all inherit one of three basic human body types. He identified these body types as:
1) Endomorph: this person has a plump/ stocky build. They gain muscle and fat easily, but they have trouble losing weight
2) Ectomorph: this person has a generally lean delicate build. They don't gain muscles easily and they also have trouble gaining weight
3) Mesomorph: this person has a sturdy/muscular build. They gain muscle and fat quickly but also lose weight easily
Biologically, women are more likely to have a curvaceous body shape because of the levels the female hormone (oestrogen) in their body, which promote fat storage. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to have a toned build because of their high levels of the male hormone (testosterone), which promote muscle growth.
Nevertheless, our body shapes still do vary quite significantly. This is because of the foods we eat and the physical activity we engage in, or fail to engage in.
There are at least four common body shapes and each one presents its own benefits and risks factors that must be taken into account for effective weight loss and fitness, they are:
1) The Apple: has a larger chest and belly with narrow hips and thighs. They are most likely to be an endomorph or mesomorph.
Men and women of the apple body shape are typically rounded, but when muscular have a funnel-like (inverted triangle) appearance. Apples gain body fat easily, but for men this is balanced out by the high presence of testosterone, which aids metabolism.
Health studies have shown that men and women with the apple shape may be more prone to cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders such as diabetes. This is because of greater stress on the heart and digestive system.
Preferred fitness regimes for the apple body shape involve longer work-outs for the chest and waistline. Sit-ups, push-ups, stair-climbing are an example of simple and effective exercises for the Apple.
Other recommended exercises include tennis, team sports, running, cycling or swimming for at least 40 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Pilates is also recommended to help tone the waistline.
2) The Pear: has a narrow chest and waistline with wider hips and larger buttocks. They are mostly to be a mesomorph.
The Pear has a vase-like shape, which in some cultures was associated with fertility. Pears tend to gain and lose weight easily, mostly on the hips.
Health-wise, Pears are said to be less prone to cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as most of their body fat is stored in the thighs and buttocks. This however, is not a reason to avoid cardio work-out.
The tendency of most Pears is to aggressively work out their thighs and buttocks in order to burn fats. This, in fact, only increases the size muscles making the thighs and buttocks appear larger. Fitness experts recommend cardio exercises, racket sports, leg lifts, low resistance cycling, as excellent ways to tone up and balance out both the upper and lower body.
3) The Hourglass: has large chest and wide hips with a narrow waistline. They are likely to be either an endomorph or even a mesomorph.
The hourglass has a voluptuous body shape, commonly regarded as the classic female. They gain weight easily and some (not all) of them have trouble losing it.
As more fat is stored in the upper (chest) and lower (hip) body, Hourglasses may be less prone to metabolic disorders while being more prone to cardiovascular disease.
For fitness, endurance cardio exercises are highly recommended (e.g. running, light resistance cycling, swimming, team sports) 3-4 times a week. In addition, pilates and back exercises, are good for maintaining upright body posture and slim waistline.
4) The Banana: has little variation between size of chest, waistline and hips. They are typically an ectomorph.
The Banana shape is sometimes referred to as a Ruler. This body shape loses weight easily and struggles to build muscles.
Bananas don't gain weight easily, but when they do it tends to be mainly around the belly (waistline) and buttocks. Excess weight gain around the waistline is said to increase risk of metabolic disorders.
Recommended fitness exercises are intended to aid with muscle building. They include, pilates, walking, jogging up steep climbs, press-ups, sit-ups, squats and bench presses

The Types Of Body Shapes

So, you are about to go on a diet in order to achieve a certain weight but do you really know what type of body shape or tone is your body made up of. In order to achieve a particular type of body figure, you must understand your type of body shape. Without understanding anything about your own body shape or BMI, you would never be able to achieve the shape that you are looking for. This is because every 'body type' is not the same and you have a very different body mass index.
Initially, we start off with the various body shapes. Basically, there are three variable body shapes that one can fall into. The first one is called as 'Ectomorph'. People, who are leaner and have a slim body, fall into this category. The muscles of such people are lean and it becomes often difficult for them to gain a proper muscle mass. No matter how much they eat, they don't seem to gain weight. Their weight also fluctuates with time and weight management becomes a problem for them. Because of lean muscles and less body mass, they are more prone to injury. In order to maintain weight, Ectomorphs need to do exercises such as treadmills, cycling, martial arts and kickboxing if necessary. Just a good basic daily workout will give their body optimum results.
Next up, we have the rounder shaped 'Endomorph'. This shape is rounder and chubbier than people with an Ectomorph body shape. Endomorphs have a lager bone structure and their muscles are heavier than others. They can put on weight fairly easily but their main problem is that they cannot lose weight very conveniently. In fact, they face serious problems in getting rid of their increased weight. For Endomorphs, exercising is also sometimes a problem. Since, they have large bones, they can grow muscles very easily and can sometimes have an over muscled look. Hence, they have to do moderate training and exercises so that they are not too muscular. Some of the best exercises for Endomorphs are fast walking, interval stepping and cross training.
Finally, we come towards a Mesomorph, who is considered to be on the heavier side with a large body frame. Mesomorphs can easily get their bodies into shape but because of their bigger frames they can sometimes fall into the category of heavier persons. They do not require that many exercises in order to get into shape. Only light and moderate daily exercises would do the trick. Running, step exercises and yoga can be very beneficial for them.
We all fall into one of the three body shapes mentioned above; but at the end of the day your type of body shape does not matter, if you follow proper diet and exercise regimen. But, one thing that must be understood is that if you are an Ectomorph, you can never have the body tone of an Endomorph, and same is the case with Mesomorph, as all three body shapes are different from one another.